At Qhapak we work for a better way of consumption

At Qhapak, the very essence of our mission is based on sustainability and a strong commitment to a circular economy. We strive to promote items whose production has a carbon footprint close to zero. To achieve this goal, we work closely with artisans around the world as well as designers who work with high quality materials, meticulously and with true passion. Each item sold on our site reflects the soul and know-how of these artisans.

We select designers who use noble materials, for you and for the planet, while being open to recycled and upcycled creations. Our worldview is authentic, awareness-raising and ethical. On a social level, we are committed to going beyond the usual channels of the industry to get closer to the centuries-old techniques and know-how of communities, peoples and creators who are paid their fair value.

Small quantities, minimized impact

We are aware that it can be costly for the environment to appropriate products from workshops located beyond our borders. This is why Qhapak orders unique products in large quantities to make them accessible in France, while limiting your carbon footprint. Before opening the doors of Qhapak to a supplier, we ensure that they respect our values ​​and ethics.

Quality & durability

We select products made with durable, high-quality materials, designed to last.

Respect for artisans

We work with artisans and creators who are paid fairly, promoting their traditional techniques and unique know-how.

Reduction of carbon footprint:

We strive to minimize our environmental impact by favoring responsible production and logistics.


We ensure total transparency on the origin of our products and the working conditions of those who manufacture them.

Social and environmental commitment

We ensure that our products cause no harm and contribute positively to society and the environment.

Our selection process

Each supplier we work with is carefully selected to ensure they respect our values ​​and ethics. We know that each item has an ecological footprint, but we do everything we can to ensure that this is as close as possible to zero by choosing limited routes, far from mass industry.

Join us on this adventure.

Be part of our history and contribute to a world where the beauty of craftsmanship and respect for the planet go hand in hand. Together, let's travel this road, hand in hand with artisans from around the world, for a trade that values ​​and respects human and environmental wealth.