Welcome to Qhapak, your gateway to crafts from around the world.

Our adventure began with a clear vision: to pay tribute to artisans and their exceptional know-how, while offering our customers unique, sustainable and ethical products.

We believe that each handcrafted object carries within it the story of those who shaped it, a story of passion, tradition and commitment.

The name Qhapak is not chosen at random.

It finds its roots in the “Qhapaq Ñan”, an ancient road crossing the majestic lands of South America. This network of paths, once used by the Andeans to connect their communities and exchange their wealth, symbolizes for us connection, exchange and sustainability.

Like this legendary road, Qhapak forges strong links between artisans around the world and you, our customers, thus creating a respectful and sustainable value chain.

Why prefer to buy from Qhapak?

Because we want each product you discover on our platform to be meaningful. Our raffia bags, storage baskets and lamps, carefully made by artisans in Ghana, are only the beginning of this beautiful adventure.

By choosing Qhapak, you are doing much more than buying an object: you are supporting local communities, preserving ancestral know-how and adopting a responsible consumption method.

Our logo, the ouroboros, embodies our philosophy.

This universal symbol, representing an eternal serpent which is present in many cultures around the world. It exemplifies eternity, renewal and harmony – values ​​that resonate deeply with our vision.

Through Qhapak, we aspire to create a virtuous cycle where each product tells a story, where each purchase makes a difference.

At Qhapak, we believe in a future where craftsmanship and ethics are at the heart of our way of life.

Join us on this adventure.

Be part of our history and contribute to a world where the beauty of craftsmanship and respect for the planet go hand in hand. Together, let's travel this road, hand in hand with artisans from around the world, for a trade that values ​​and respects human and environmental wealth.